Friday 27 July 2007

I'm Still Alive!

Hey there sportsfans! I haven't died. I just haven't had internet! A lot has happened since my last post... I've been to Victoria for a few days, as well as Vancouver for 5 and now I'm in Penticton!

I've been having the trouble getting the motivation toost, yet I think of great things to say all the time. Its because the level of detail I've been going to has meant that I'm way behind and its a daunting task to get up to date again. I've said it before, but I'm gonna try and cut down on the detail a bit and keep on going through.

Sunday - 8th July

After the big night out before, Chad came and picked me up and we went for a tour of Black Creek hitting both the Miracle and Saratoga Beaches as well as the old local store 'Lucky Buck' and we drove past my old house. It was the first time I'd seen it in 12 years and it looked a lot smaller than I remembered. Undoubtedly as I'm much bigger than I was then. We also stopped by my old swimming haunt nearby but the ropeswing tree had rotted and fallen over as well as the trees which the diving boards were nailed onto. I went for a quick dip but the water was sooo damn cold and we didn't have a lot of time, so we left.

He dropped me off back at Maureen's house and I went down to the Vancouver Island Musicfest. Maureen was able to get me a free ticket so I wandered down there on my own and had a great evening watching the bands and hanging out in the beer tent. I saw Don McLean (Bye Bye Miss American Pie) and Bedouin Soundclash (Canadian Band who've had a hit in England - They're kinda like a cross between U2 and The Police. After a lot of dancing about in a crowd of random people, I set off home again and spent the rest of the evening listening to my iPod and looking up at the stars.

More to come soon! I have regular internet here!

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