Friday 13 July 2007

Devil's Climbing Something-or-other

Hey all!

I'm back for another post! Time's flying by out here. Still loving every minute! Had a great last couple of days and hopefully I'll be able to tell you about them in this post, but seeing as the last one took so long I don't know if I'll get that far, but here goes:

The day at the lake

After getting about 3 hours proper sleep, I was picked up by Chad and, after stopping for a flat of Lucky Beer and munchies, we went to Comox Lake. Hetty and Gord were there with Gord's boat. Some other guy, can't remember his name, offered Gord 40 dollars for 15 minutes waterskiing so we took him out with us on the boat (a mid sized motorboat with a decent engine on the back and comfy seats - i should have really asked a bit more about it). Before the guy got his time skiing, we were motoring around the lake and found this houseboat about 100m offshore with its doors open and no-one in it. We tied up to it and hopped aboard and had a look around. It was basically a floating box with a porch at either end and a balcony on top, with a little meter high mezzanine bedroom poking out of the top, accessible by a ladder from below. It had a kitchen, bathroom, little lounge and a collection of 80s cassette tapes including Roxette and AC/DC. Chad and I stayed on the houseboat while the random waterskier had his 15 minutes.

When they came back we took off for a tour of the lake, speeding around and jumping off the wakes of other boats and swells in the water (it was quite windy). You really had to hold onto your beer and steady yourself or else you were going overboard! Saw some cool sights including Devil's Staircase (or ladder, ropeladder, escalator - i'm not sure... its probably not escalator), which is a huge rock face on the side of the lake. People jump off this all the time. The first place you jump from is about 60ft up and you have to run and jump way out to hit the water. It was a bit overcast so there was no-one doing it while we were there and none of us were brave enough to take it on.

There are loads of cottages around the lake which are only accessible by logging roads that people have just built (without owning the land) and have been allowed to keep. There are pretty little groups of houses with small piers out into the lake for fishing and mooring. One of them is called Little Italy and flies an Italian flag. There were great views of the Comox Valley Glacier, which actually feeds the lake.

We eventually returned to the houseboat and jumped off the balcony into the freezing water. We'd climb out of the water via the motorboats tiny ladder, pull the boat towards the houseboat, jump aboard and repeat. I say repeat, we only did it about 4 times each before I volunteered to get towed behind the boat in an inner tube. It was awesome, for the time I was actually on the tube, but half of it was spent clutching onto the back of it trying to get back in after falling out! :D The picture below is the last time I fell off. We were going pretty fast and I could really feel the deceleration when I hit the water!

After that, of course, combined with the night before, the jet lag, the beer I'd injested, and the numerous joints, I was knackered! We went back to shore and got a some food at a burger stand and then headed for home. I slept very well that night!


I was reliably informed that Cougars, as well as being a large mountain lion roaming North America, are older ladies looking for some younger man action. The definition from says:
An older woman who frequents clubs in order to score with a much younger man. The cougar can be anyone from an overly surgically altered wind tunnel victim, to an absolute sad and bloated old horn-meister, to a real hottie or milf. Cougars are gaining in popularity -- particularly the true hotties -- as young men find not only a sexual high, but many times a chick with her shit together.

Well thats all I can do for now. I'm really going to have to catch up over the next few days or I'm in danger of forgetting exactly what I've done. I've been posting a lot of pictures on my Flickr Page so you can see what I've done before I get around to writing about it! Thanks for all your comments! Keep em coming!

Bye for now!


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